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Carrier Airconditioning and Refrigeration Ltd. Unlisted Shares


Established in 1902, Carrier is the world leader in heating, air-conditioning and refrigeration solutions. We regularly build upon our history of proven innovation with new products and services that improve global comfort and efficiency.


Carrier Airconditioning & Refrigerators Ltd. was incorporated in the year -1992. Its today’s share price is 94. Its current market capitalisation stands at Rs 220.18 Cr. Latest news, company has reported Gross Sales of Rs. 13252.9 Cr and Total Income of Rs.13488.8 Cr. The company’s management includes Kunal Aggarwal, Vanita Bansal, Rahul Jain, Sugeeth Kumar, Pankaj Prakash Sahni, Narendra Singh Sisodia, Arun Bhatia. It is listed on the BSE with a BSE Code of 500079 , NSE with an NSE Symbol of CARRIERAIR and ISIN of . It’s Registered office is at Narsingpur,Kherki Daula Post,GurgaonGurgaon-122004, Haryana. Their Registrars are ACC Ltd. It’s auditors are BSR & Associates LLP, Price Waterhouse, Price Waterhouse & Co, Price Water house & Co Bangalore LLP

Financials of Carrier Airconditioning & Refrigeration Limited Unlisted Shares:

(Figures in Crores)

Year Revenue EBITDA OPM% Profit NPM Equity FV EPS
2016 1178 94 8.00% 54 4.60% 106.38 10 5.08
2017 1354 118 8.70% 78 5.80% 106.38 10 7.33
2018 1356 123 9.10% 73 5.40% 106.38 10 6.86
2019 1511 118 7.81% 68 4.50% 106.38 10 6.39
2020 1550 114 7.35% 47 3.3% 106.38 10 4.45
Year Net-Worth Debt ROE Receivables days CR
2016 486 0 11% 59 2.12
2017 565 0 14% 76 2.18
2018 452 0 16% 94 1.64
2019 520 0 13% 75 1.68
2020 218 153 21.5% 66 1.20

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Carrier Airconditioning Share Price & Delisted Shares – Company Overview

Carrier Airconditioning & Refrigeration Limited is a leader in supplying high-technology heating, air-conditioning, and refrigeration solutions across Asia. The world-first electrical air conditioning system was invented by Willis Haviland Carrier in 1902. Therefore, Carrier was the first company to start Air Conditioning System Business. Not only this, India’s first air-conditioning system was installed by Carrier at Rambagh Palace in Jaipur in 1936. In India, Carrier Air-conditioning & Refrigeration Limited was established in 1986, and in the year 1988, the company’s first manufacturing facility was commissioned in Gurgaon, Haryana. The manufacturing facility covers 19 acres of area and consists highly automated manufacturing unit, an R&D center, and an advanced quality clinic. Currently, this facility manufactures cassettes, ducted splits, package units, air- and water-cooled screw chillers, air- and water-cooled reciprocating chillers, fan coil units, air handling units, refrigeration products, and fire & security products.

Carrier Air-conditioning & Refrigeration Limited has established 14 sales and service offices in India and manages a network of 800+ sales and service channel partners across the country.

The company’s main business segments are: 

  • Light Commercial Air-conditioning (LC), is further classified as the ducted segment and Cassette segment.
  • Commercial Air-conditioning
  • Toshiba
  • Commercial and Toshiba Service
  • Channel Business Service
  • Totaline
  • Commercial Refrigeration
  • Transicold
  • AdvanTE3C

Carrier Airconditioning Delisted Share Details As of March 31,2022

Carrier Airconditioning Outstanding Shares: 106,376,745
Face Value of Carrier Airconditioning Share: Rs. 10 Per Equity Share
ISIN of Carrier Airconditioning Share: INE040I01011
Lot Size of Carrier Airconditioning Share: 100 Shares
Carrier Airconditioning Share Price: Best in Industry
PAN Number of Carrier Airconditioning: AAACC8414B
Date of Delisting of Carrier Airconditioning: 30-May-05
Reason of Delisting of Carrier Airconditioning: Takeover Regulations – 21(3A)

Incorporation Details of Carrier Airconditioning 

CIN of Carrier Airconditioning


Registration Date of of Carrier Airconditioning

6th July 1992

Category / Sub-Category of  Carrier Airconditioning

Company Limited by Shares/ Subsidiary of a Foreign Company

Address of the Registered office and contact details  of  Carrier Airconditioning

Narsingpur, KherkiDaula Post, Gurgaon – 122001,


Tel: 0124 – 4825500

Name, Address and Contact details of Registrar and Transfer Agent, if any

MCS Share Transfer Agent Limited,              

F-65, 1st Floor, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase- 1,

New Delhi- 110020,

Tel: 011-4140 6149/50/51/52,

Principal Business Activities of Carrier Airconditioning 

Name and Description of main products/services NIC Code of the product/service % to the total turnover of the Company
Room Air-conditioners 3550 81.83%
Spare Sales & Services 3558 & 9987 18.17%

Board of Directors of Carrier Airconditioning

Mr. Chirag Baijal, Managing Director

Mr. Narendra Singh Sisodia, Independent Director

Mr. Siraj Azmat Chaudhry, Independent Director

Mr. Pankaj Prakash Sahni, Independent Director

Mr. Pritesh Agrawal, Whole-time Director and CFO

Mr. Rahul Kumar Jain Whole-time Director

Ms. Simran Thapar, Whole-time Director

Mr. Har Amrit Pal Singh Dhillon, Non-Executive Director

Particulars of Subsidiary and Associate Companies of Carrier Airconditioning 

Carrier Airconditioning & Refrigeration Limited has no Subsidiary or Associate Company.

Shareholding Pattern of Carrier Airconditioning (As of 31-03-2022)

S. No. Shareholders’ Name No. of Shares % of total Shares of the company
1. Carrier Corporation, Delaware (Holding Company) 10,26,18,689 96.46%
2. Others 37,58,056 3.54%
  Total 10,63,76,745 100%

Industry Outlook of Carrier Airconditioning         

The Airconditioning industry was impacted during peak season because of the second wave in financial year 2021-2022 however when the market opened, your Company received a significant demand pull from the market. Pandemic impacted the supply chain adversely, but your Company managed the working capital well and catered to customer demands in spite of supply chain disruption.

After starting to make the Fixed Speed Toshiba brand Hi-wall Airconditioners last year in India, this year your company started the localization of the Inverter Hi-Wall 3 Star product. The Toshiba brand Light Commercial Cassette product range was extended with the launch of the Stable Power Inverter (SPI) Classic and SPI Premier. Both these offerings are now with the more environmental friendly refrigerant R-32 with a very low Global Warming Potential. The SPI Premier product is being offered with a PM 2.5 filter for better Indoor Air Quality. Carrier also refreshed the range of Inverted ducted product with better efficiencies and made the product competitive. In the Ducted Produced Carrier’s entire range from 3TR to 17 TR is now with the environment friendly refrigerant R-410a. Carrier also acquired the Toshiba.

The Commercial Business saw some of the segments like the industrial/manufacturing getting back to Business normalcy faster than other segments and your company converted these opportunities into Business at speed. With our increased focus on Airside Market, your company picked up orders for more than 6000 terminal units manufactured in your factory in a single year for the first time. Your company also won many significant orders from the emerging Renewable energy sector (Solar & Wind) thus creating a strong reference base.

The company also sold products and solutions which helped make buildings healthier. Solutions like the Ultra Violet Germicidal Irradiation were offered for ducted units and air handling units for better indoor air quality. Air purifiers with high levels of air purification, Air handling units with enhanced filtration also helped make customers buildings healthier. Treated Fresh Air Units and Energy Recovery Ventilators were also pushed in the market for enhanced and efficient ventilation for creating healthier environment inside buildings.

Carrier Airconditioning & Refrigeration Limited Balance Sheet (In Rs. Lakhs)

PARTICULAR March 31, 2023 March 31, 2022 March 31, 2021
Non-current assets    
Property, plant and equipment 6,499 6,766 7,264
Right-of-use assets 2,402 1,970 1,165
Capital work-in-progress 783 66 398
Intangible under development 96 83
Other intangible assets 104 179 297
Financial assets    
Investments 1 1 1
Loans 423 273 185
Others 296 283 321
Income tax assets (net) 1,248 1,630 1,648
Deferred tax assets (net) 4,993 3,754 3,639
Other non-current assets 1,552 2,191 2,117
Total non-current assets 18,397 17,196 17,035
Current assets    
Inventories 34,364 33,681 25,130
Financial assets    
Trade receivables 32,391 25,728 27,414
Cash and cash equivalents 19,835 6,488 1,347
Loans 115 161 277
Others 3,232 2,895 2,423
Other current assets 5,366 5,103 4,125
Total current assets 95,303 74,056 60,716
TOTAL ASSETS 1,13,700 91,252 77,751
Equity share capital 10,638 10,638 10,638
Other equity 26,621 16,590 13,071
Total equity 37,259 27,228 23,709
Non-current liabilities    
Financial liabilities    
Lease liabilities 1,714 1,354 537
Provisions 5,929 5,891 5,627
Other non-current liabilities 340 222 203
Total non-current liabilities 7,983 7,467 6,367
Current Liabilities
Financial liabilities    
Lease liabilities 789 614 709
Trade payables    
Total outstanding dues of micro and small enterprises; and 676 1,269 908
Total outstanding of creditors other than micro and small enterprises 52,276 41,880 36,344
Other current financial liabilities 1,507 1,372 1,421
Other current liabilities 10,803 9,651 7,253
Provisions 2,407 1,771 1,040
Total current liabilities 68,458 56,557 47,675
Total liabilities 76,441 64,024 54,042
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 1,13,700 91,252 77,751

 Carrier Airconditioning & Refrigeration Limited Profit & Loss Statement (In Rs. Lakhs)

PARTICULAR March 31, 2023 March 31, 2022 March 31, 2021
Revenue from operations 2,19,719 1,61,207 1,21,813
Other income 2,412 2,012 2,278
Total income 2,22,131 1,63,219 1,24,091
Cost of materials consumed 39,733 26,135 16,052
Purchase of traded goods (Including spares) 1,10,476 82,624 50,596
Changes in inventories of finished goods, stock-in -trade and work-in-progress -2,834 -6,642 4,978
Employee benefits expense 16,924 16,562 15,188
Finance costs 206 272 1,054
Depreciation and amortization expense 2,107 2,347 1,985
Other expenses 41,337 36,222 30,898
Total expenses 2,07,949 1,57,520 1,20,751
Profit before tax 14,182 5,699 3,340
Tax expense/(credit)      
Current tax 4,407 1,614 1,095
Deferred tax -1,218 -39 -164
Tax related to earlier years -87 741
Profit for the year 10,993 4,211 1,668
Other comprehensive income/(loss)      
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or (loss) -85 -302 193
 Income tax related to items that will not be reclassified to profit or (loss) 21 76 -49
Other comprehensive income for the year -64 -226 144
Total comprehensive income for the year 10,929 3,985 1,812
Earnings per share (in Rs.)      
Nominal value of share INR 10 [previous year INR 10]      
Basic 10.33 3.96 1.57
Diluted 10.33 3.96 1.57

Carrier Airconditioning & Refrigeration Limited’s Financial Ratios

PARTICULAR 31-Mar-23 31-Mar-22
Current Ratio 1.39 1.31
Inventory Turnover Ratio 3.89 3.13
Net Capital Turnover Ratio 9.91 10.56
Return on Capital Employed 31% 17%
Return on Equity Ratio 30% 16%
Net Profit Ratio 5% 3%

The financial ratios of Carrier Airconditioning & Refrigeration provide insight into the company ‘s financial performance and position as of March 31, 2022 and March 31, 2021

In the financial analysis for the years ending on March 31, 2023, and March 31, 2022, several key ratios provide valuable insights into the company ‘s performance and efficiency. Starting with liquidity, the current ratio has improved from 1.31 to 1.39, indicating enhanced short-term liquidity and the company ‘s ability to cover immediate liabilities.

Moving to operational efficiency, the inventory turnover ratio has increased from 3.13 to 3.89, reflecting more effective management of inventory during the respective periods. However, the net capital turnover ratio has witnessed a slight decrease from 10.56 to 9.91, suggesting a potential reduction in sales relative to the capital employed. Further investigation into the factors influencing this ratio would be beneficial.

Profitability ratios showcase significant improvements. The Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) has surged from 17% to 31%, indicating enhanced profitability concerning the capital invested. Similarly, the Return on Equity (ROE) has increased from 16% to 30%, signifying improved returns for equity investors. Moreover, the net profit ratio has risen from 3% to 5%, indicating enhanced profitability as a percentage of sales.

In summary, the company has demonstrated positive trends in liquidity, inventory management, and profitability ratios between the two years. These improvements suggest effective operational strategies and utilization of capital. However, the decrease in the net capital turnover ratio warrants further scrutiny to uncover the underlying dynamics of sales in relation to the capital employed.

Dividend History of Carrier Airconditioning & Refrigeration Limited

PARTICULAR 2023 2022 2021
Dividend (final + interim) (In Rs.) 1 1 0.5
Retained Earnings (In Rs. Thousands) 24,495 14,599 11,029

Annual Report- 2018-19

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