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Fino Paytech Unlisted Shares


Fino Paytech is one of the unique and better thought leader, innovator and implementer of technology solutions for institutions like banks, governments and insurance companies.

We provide a business platform and banking technology combined with extensive services delivery channel. As a fluctuate banking channel, we enable end-to-end customer sourcing and servicing.

Shareholding Pattern:

( As of 31.03.2020)

Sr.no Name of the Shareholder No. of Shares % of Holding
1 Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited 28435423 28.89%
2 ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited 11328854 11.51%
3 Blackstone GPV Capital Partners (Mauritius) 7512207 7.63%
4 HAV 3 Holdings (Mauritius) Limited 7456993 7.58%
5 International Finance Corporation 6569567 6.68%
6 ICICI Bank Limited 57,50,000 5.84%
7 ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited 5289194 5.37%
8 Intel Capital Corporation 4433449 4.50%
9 Exide Life Insurance Company Limited 2832213 2.83%
10 Life Insurance Corporation of India 22,50,000 2.29%
11 Indian Bank 22,50,000 2.29%
12 Union Bank 22,50,000 2.29%
13 Corporation Bank 22,50,000 2.29%

Financials of Fino Paytech Limited Unlisted Shares:

Standalone Financials (Crores)

Year Revenue Expense PBT PAT Shares EPS NW BV
2018 43 99 -56.1 -46.89 12.77436 -4.73 579 45
2019 53 49 3.8 -9.22 12.81176 -0.75 576 45
2020 64 55 8.3 7.67 12.82388 0.63 587 46

Subsidiary and Associates Performance (Crores)

Company Revenue (19-20) P/L(19-20) Revenue(18-19) P/L(18-19) Revenue(17-18) P/L(17-18)
Fino Finance Pvt. Limited 106 4.64 134.5 2.32 123 -42
Fino Trusteeship Services 0.6 0.42 0.31 0.21 0.066 0.052
Fino Payment Bank 691 -32 371.12 -62.38 230 -67.38
Fino Financial Services Nil 0.0052 Nil 0.0043 Nil 0.0043

Consolidated Financials (Crores)

Year Revenue Expense PBT PAT Shares EPS NW BV Debt
2018 376 552 -176 -167 9.86547 -16.8 335 34.24 330
2019 547 601 -53 -73 12.26175 -7.29 289 29.38 328
2020 852 872 -19 -20 12.27388 -2.03 217 22.00 240

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Fino PayTech Limited Unlisted Share – Company Overview

Fino Pay Tech Limited was established on July 13, 2006, headquartered in Mumbai, and has offices throughout India. Fino Pay Tech Limited is a business and banking technology platform with a complete service channel that can meet the financial service needs of all customers. Fino Pay Tech Limited is an investor-institutional company owned by international and Indian investors. The company has grown into a thought leader for organizations such as banks, microfinance organizations, insurance companies, and government agencies, as well as an innovator and developer of technology solutions. As an alternative banking channel, Fino Pay Tech Limited provides comprehensive procurement and customer services.

Fino Pay Tech Limited uses its rich hands-on experience to develop appropriate advanced management solutions for all aspects of this field to reach operational efficiency even higher. The solutions include Customer Enrolment Solutions, Hardware Solutions, and Operations Solutions.

The company provides services to beneficiaries on behalf of customers in certain remote areas of the country. Its model allows them to provide services to a wide range of clients such as Business Correspondents Services, Consultancy Services, Financial Literacy, etc.

Fino Pay Tech Limited, through its business correspondent model, offers technology solutions to improve the operational efficiency of social benefit schemes like Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme – MGNREGs and Social Security Pensions – SSP.

Leveraging its experience in the micro-finance sector and applying it in the micro-insurance sphere, Fino Pay Tech Limited has created a model that is efficient, scalable, sustainable, cost-effective, interoperable, and profitable.

A Terminal Management System manages issuance, blocking, and application updating of POS devices; and a Card Management System manages issuance, hot listing, and re-issuance of cards.

All these systems are an outcome of Fino Pay Tech Limited’s extensive field experience gained over the past years by serving in tough and remote locations. These systems provide services that are extremely relevant to entities operating in this sector.

Fino PayTech Limited Details as of March 31, 2023

Fino PayTech Outstanding Shares:


Face Value of Fino PayTech Unlisted Share:

Rs. 10 Per Equity Share

ISIN of Fino PayTech Unlisted Share:


Lot Size of Fino PayTech Unlisted Share:


Fino PayTech Share Price:

Best in Industry

PAN Number of Fino PayTech:


Incorporation Details of Fino PayTech Limited

Fino PayTech Limited CIN Number


Fino PayTech Limited Registration Date


Category / Sub-Category of Fino PayTech

Company limited by Shares

Fino PayTech Limited Registered Office Address

Shree Sawan Knowledge Park, 2nd Floor, D – 507, TTC Industrial Area, MIDC Turbhe, Navi Mumbai – 400705

Fino PayTech Limited Registrar & Transfer Agent Address and Contact Details

Adroit Corporate Services Private Limited 19, Jaferbhoy Industrial Estate 1st Floor, Makawana Road Marol Naka, Mumbai – 400059

Principal  Business Activities of Fino PayTech Limited

Name and Description of main products/services  NIC Code of the Product/ service % to the total turnover of the company
Activities auxiliary to Financial service activities 66190 76.76

Board of Directors of Fino PayTech Limited

Mr. Ashok Kini (Non-Executive Chairman, Independent Director)

Dr. Apurva Joshi (Independent Director)

Mr. Rajeev Deoras (Independent Director)

Mr. Amit Jain (Whole time Director)

Mr. Ramakrishna Gupta (Nominee Director)

 Mr. Manoj Heda (Nominee Director)

Mr. Sudeep Gupta (Whole-time Director)

Particulars of Subsidiary and Associate Companies of Fino PayTech Limited

Name of the Company Subsidiary/Associate % of shares held
FINO Finance Private Limited (Formerly known as Intrepid Finance & Leasing Private Limited) Wholly owned Subsidiary 100
FINO Trusteeship Services Limited Associate Company 49
Fino Payments Bank Limited (Formerly known as FINO Fintech Limited) Wholly owned Subsidiary 75
FINO Financial Services Private Limited Wholly owned Subsidiary 100

Shareholding Pattern of Fino PayTech Limited (As of 31-03-2023)

S. No. Shareholders’ Name No. of Shares % of total Shares of the company
1 Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited 27,991,070 26.81
2 ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited 10,833,198 10.38
3 ICICI Bank Limited 9,485,140 9.09
4 Blackstone GPV Capital Partners (Mauritius) 7,183,536 6.88
5 HAV 3 Holdings (Mauritius) Limited 7,130,737 6.83
6  ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited 5,984,658 5.73
7 International Finance Corporation 6,282,138 6.02
8 Others 3,60,05,773 28.26
Total 12,74,08,963 100


FINO PAYTECH Limited Balance Sheet (In Rs. Crores)

Particulars  As at 31 March 2023 As at 31 March 2022
Non-current Assets    
Property, Plant and Equipment                                       124.67                                87.86
Right-of-Use Assets                                          30.19                                34.72
Capital Work-in-Progress                                            5.48                                  0.46
Goodwill                                                 –                                         –  
Other Intangible Assets                                          20.43                                  8.97
Financial Assets    
  Investments                                          54.89                                43.30
  Loans                                            0.00                                  0.05
  Others                                          88.20                                56.57
Deferred Tax Assets (Net)                                            5.86                                17.68
Advance Tax Assets (Net)                                          14.92                                18.05
Other Non-current Assets                                            6.18                                  4.16
Total Non-current Assets                                       350.82                              271.82
Current Assets    
Inventories                                          41.86                                13.26
Financial Assets    
  Investments                                    1,090.89                              590.73
  Trade Receivables                                          72.37                                70.03
  Cash and Cash Equivalents                                       399.32                          1,057.47
  Bank Balances (Excluding Cash Equivalents)                                       455.41                              444.05
  Loans                                            1.03                                  6.31
  Others                                          63.33                                60.32
Other Current Assets                                       145.08                                40.18
Total Current Assets                                    2,269.29                          2,282.35
Total Assets                                    2,620.11                          2,554.17
Equity and Liabilities    
Equity Share Capital                                       104.40                              109.17
Instruments Entirely in Nature of Equity                                          22.79                                23.83
Other Equity                                       373.11                          1,005.54
  Equity Attributable to Equity Holders of the Company                                       500.30                          1,138.54
  Non-controlling Interests                                       137.18                              119.53
Total Equity                                       637.48                          1,258.07
Non-current Liabilities    
Financial Liabilities    
  Borrowings                                          19.93                                19.91
  Lease Liabilities                                          27.63                                32.54
Provisions                                          10.72                                  1.92
Other Non-current Liabilities                                            0.03                                  0.06
Total Non-current Liabilities                                          58.31                                54.43
Current Liabilities    
Financial Liabilities    
  Borrowings                                       434.80                              270.80
  Trade Payables    
    Due to Micro and Small Enterprises                                                 –                                    0.03
    Due to Other than Micro and Small Enterprises                                          22.94                                43.27
  Lease Liabilities                                            7.69                                  6.36
  Other Financial Liabilities                                    1,415.40                              861.17
Other Current Liabilities                                          24.08                                30.59
Short-term Provisions                                          17.22                                27.27
Current Tax Liabilities                                            2.19                                  2.18
Total Current Liabilities                                    1,924.32                          1,241.67
Total Liabilities                                    1,982.63                          1,296.10
Total Equity and Liabilities                                    2,620.11                          2,554.17

FINO PAYTECH LimitedProfit & Loss Statement (In Rs. Crores)

I.  Revenue from Operations                  1,149.43            1,000.82
II. Other Income                     141.87                 49.81
III. Total Income (I+II)                 1,291.30           1,050.63
IV Expenses    
Purchase of goods and services                     184.65               175.37
Changes in inventories of finished goods, work-in-progress, and stock-in-trade                        3.47                 -7.05
Employee benefits expenses                     170.69               155.59
Finance costs                       54.15                 30.10
Depreciation and amortization expenses                       50.44                 43.75
Other expenses                     765.60               704.72
Total Expenses (IV)                 1,229.00           1,102.47
V. Profit before Exceptional items and tax                       62.30                -51.84
VI. Exceptional Items  –   – 
VII. Profit before Tax (V-VI)                      62.30               -51.84
VIII. Tax Expense    
1) Current Tax                        0.37                   1.31
2) Deferred Tax                       11.82                      –  
IX. Profit for the Year (VII-VIII)                       50.11                -53.15
X. Other Comprehensive Income    
i) Items that will not be classified to profit or loss    
Re-measurement of the defined benefit plan                       -0.02                   0.77
Fair value changes on Equity Instruments through other comprehensive income                            –                        –  
ii) Income Tax Relating to items that will not be reclassified to profit & loss                            –                        –  
iii) Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss    
Investments measured at FVOCI                       -1.34                   0.21
Income tax related to items that will be reclassified to profit or loss    
Other comprehensive income for the year (net of tax)                       -1.36                   0.98
XI. Total Comprehensive Income for the year (IX+X)                       48.75                -52.17
XII. Earnings per Equity share (Face Value Per Share)    
a) Basic (Rs.)                        2.61                 -4.24
b) Diluted (Rs.)                        2.61                 -4.24

 FINO PAYTECH Limited’s Cash Flow Statement (In Rs. Crores)

Particulars  31st March 2023  31 March 2022 
Profit before tax from continuing operations    
Profit before tax                       62.30                -51.84
Adjustments to reconcile (loss) / profit before tax to net cash used in operating activities  
Depreciation                       50.44                 43.75
Profit / Loss on sale of fixed assets                       -0.01                      –  
ESOP expense                        8.11                   4.60
ESOP Cancellation Expenses                        0.16                      –  
ESOP Cancellation Compensation                     -28.55                      –  
Interest income                    -107.61                -51.62
Interest & finance charges                       54.15                 30.10
Provision (Write back) for doubtful debts and assets                     -33.13                      –  
Provision for loan losses expenses                       -4.12                 58.26
Impairment of goodwill                     7.17
Provision for doubtful debts and assets                        0.02                 18.02
Operating profit before working capital changes                        1.77                58.43
(Increase) in inventories                        3.47                   3.51
(Increase) / decrease in trade receivables                       -2.34                -41.93
(Increase) / decrease in other current assets                    -104.88                -22.43
Decrease in current financial assets – loans                       11.34                 83.05
Decrease / (increase) in other current financial assets                       -3.03                 17.44
(Increase) / decrease in non current financial assets – others                     -15.30                -55.55
Decrease in other non current assets                       -2.02                 -0.06
Decrease in non-current financial assets – loans                       -0.01                 14.26
(Decrease) / increase in trade payables                     -20.37                -11.59
Increase / (decrease) in other current liabilities                       -6.50                 -1.03
(Decrease) / increase in other current financial liabilities                     554.60               259.82
(Decrease) in other non-current liabilities                       -0.04                 -0.14
(Decrease) in provisions                       -0.35                   1.09
Cash generated from / (used in) operations before adjustments for interest received and interest paid                    416.34              304.85
Interest paid                     -32.13                -11.68
Interest received                        0.11                   8.70
Cash used in operations                     384.31               301.87
Income tax paid                        2.77                -84.48
Net cash (used) / generated from operating activities (A)                    387.09              217.39
B. Cash flows from investing activities    
Acquisition of property, plant and equipment                     -87.31                -66.80
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment                        0.33                   0.38
Acquisition of computer software                     -16.77                 -4.71
Acquisition of investments                    -513.10              -127.69
Stake sale of subsidiary                            –              1,131.91
Proceeds from fixed deposits                     -26.92              -305.92
Interest received                     104.99                 44.06
Net Cash used in investing activities (B)                  -538.77              671.23
C. Cash flows from financing activities    
Proceeds from issue of equity shares                        0.23                 83.91
Proceeds from subordinate debt                        0.02                   0.02
Proceeds from long term borrowings                       -0.36                -32.56
Repayment of non current borrowings                            –                  -38.31
Proceeds of short term borrowings (net)                     164.00                 27.70
Buy Back of equity shares                    -125.00                      –  
Tax pertaining to buyback of equity shares                     -21.86                      –  
Preference Dividend Paid                    -502.44                      –  
Lease payments                        0.95                   1.00
Interest & finance charges paid                     -22.02                -18.42
Net cash generated from financing activities (C)                  -506.48                23.34
Net increase / (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (A + B + C)                  -658.16  
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year                  1,057.48               148.50
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year                    399.32              148.50
Cash and cash equivalents    
Cash on hand and balances with banks                     399.31            1,057.48
Cash and cash equivalents                    399.32              148.50

FINO PAYTECH Limited Key Financial Ratios

Particulars 31-Mar-23 31-Mar-22
Current Ratio (in times) 5.2 22.01
Debt-Equity Ratio (in times) 0 0
Debt Service Coverage Ratio (in times) -24.61 267.06
Return on Equity Ratio (in %) -13.00% 44.00%
Inventory Turnover Ratio (in times) 83.56 0
Trade Receivables Turnover Ratio (in times) 229% 71%
Trade Payable Turnover Ratio (in times) 137% 49%
Net Capital Turnover Ratio (in times) 24% 3%
Net Profit Ratio (in %) -436.00% 2807.00%
Return on Capital Employed Ratio (in %) -10.00% 51.00%

FINO PAYTECH Limited share Dividend History

Particulars 2023 2022
Dividend per Share 37.71 37.71
Retained Earnings (In Rs. Crores) -429.49 123.09

FINO PAYTECH Limited Recent Financial Performance

Revenue Growth Rate :

In 2023, the company achieved a robust revenue growth rate of approximately 14.85%, showing significant improvement compared to the previous year when it was 4.89%. This indicates strong sales growth.

Profit Margin :

The profit margin in 2023 is 4.82%, a substantial improvement from the negative margin of -5.18% in 2022. This suggests that the company has moved from a loss-making position to profitability.

Earnings per Share :

Both basic and diluted EPS in 2023 are INR 2.61, demonstrating a positive turnaround from negative EPS of -INR 4.24 in 2022. Shareholders have witnessed improved earnings per share.

Operating Profit Margin :

The operating profit margin in 2023 is 4.82%, showing a remarkable recovery from the negative margin of -5.18% in 2022. This indicates better operational efficiency and profitability.

Total Comprehensive Income :

The total comprehensive income for 2023 is INR 48.75, a positive swing from the negative comprehensive income of -INR 52.17 in 2022. This signifies a substantial improvement in the overall financial performance.

Annual Report- 2022-23

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