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Frick India Limited Unlisted Shares

Frick India Limited

Frick India Limited is one of the largest equipment manufacturer and turnkey solution provider for Industrial refrigeration in India.

Frick India offers extensive range of high speed reciprocating compressors as well as twin screw compressors with using new technology from City University London and Holroyd, UK for almost all industrial Refrigeration applications.

These twin screw blocks are TUV certified with Declaration of Incorporation. Instead of compressors, Frick India has a whole range of Refrigeration Equipment including product coolers, condensers, pressure vessels (ASME) and electrical & automation systems.

Shareholding Pattern:

Category No. of Shares Held Percentage
Promoters 3,84,000 63.945%
Non-Promoters 2,16,000 36.06%
Total 6,00,000 100%

Financials of Frick India Limited Unlisted Shares:

(Fig. in Lakhs)

Particulars 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17
Share Capital 60 60 60 60
FV 10 10 10 10
Short-Term Debt 995 1647 1730 1611
Long-Term Debt 16 28.43 27.99 47.48
Revenue 22700 24810 26228 27590
EBITDA 2369 2670 2,598.00 2646
EBITDA Margins 10.44% 11% 9.90% 9.60%
Finance Cost 250 285.68 295 281
PBT 1854 2150 1798 2128
PAT 1500 1517 1,363 1376
EPS 250 252.92 227.17 229.33

The main products are:

  • Compressors
  • Condensers
  • Liquid Re-Circulation Pumps
  • Evaporators

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Frick India Limited Company Overview:

Frick India Limited is a leading manufacturer of industrial refrigeration systems and equipment in India. The company was established in 1962 and has its headquarters in Faridabad, Haryana. It is a subsidiary of Frick USA and is a part of the Johnson Controls family of companies. Frick India Limited provides a wide range of products and services including industrial refrigeration systems, cold storage solutions, compressor packages, and customized solutions for specific industries.

Frick India Limited Share Price, Share Details as of March 31, 2023

Frick India Limited Limited Outstanding Shares: 599,975
Face Value of Frick India Limited Share: Rs. 10 Per Equity Share
ISIN of Frick India Limited Share: INE499C01012
Lot Size of Frick India Limited Share: 100
Frick India Limited Share Price:  Best In Industry
PAN Number of Frick India Limited. :  AAACF0410C

Frick India Limited Incorporation Details

Frick India Limited Limited CIN Number L74899HR1962PLC002618
Frick India Limited Limited Registration Date 04-Aug-62
Category / Sub-Category of Frick India Limited Limited Public Companies having a share capital
Frick India Limited Limited Registered Office Address  21.5 KM MAIN MATHURA ROADFARIDABAD HARYANA HR 121003 IN.
Frick India LimitedLimited Registrar & Transfer Agent Address & Contact Details Noble Heights, 1st Floor, NH-2,C-1, Block LSC, Near Savitri Market,Janakpuri, New Delhi – 110058 

Frick India Limited Board of Directors

Directors Post
Mr. Jasmohan Singh Managing Director
MS. Jasleen Kaur Queenie Singh Non-Executive Directors
Ms. Gurleen Kaur Non-Executive Directors
Mr. Ramesh Chandra Jain Independent Directors
Mr. Govindarajula Bhaskara Rao Independent Directors
CA. Divakar Jagga Independent Directors

Frick India Limited Shareholding Pattern (As of 31-03-2023)

Category No. of Shares Held Percentage
Promoters 384000 63.95%
Non- Promoters 216000 36.06%
Total 600000 100%

Frick India Limited  Balance Sheet (Rs In Lakhs)

Particulars 2023 2022
(1) Non current assets    
(a) Property, Plant and Equipment 986.77 983.13
(b) Capital work in progress 1.94     –
(c) Intangible Assets  14.38 20.82
(d) Financial Assets    
(i) Investment 3074.42 2440.56
(ii) Loans 16.19 17
(iii) Other financial assets 1118.65 4299.78
(e) Deffered tax assets (Net) 184.16 98.3
(f) Other non current assets 4.56 0.59
Total Non Current Assets 5401.07 7860.18
(2) Current Assets    
(a) Inventories 8994.88 6129.79
(b) Financial Assets    
(i) Investment    – 134.04
(ii) Trade Receivables 8573.8 7595.24
(iii) Cash and cash equivalents 131.45 1872.95
(iv) Bank balances other than (iii) above 9610.99 3258.27
(v) Loans 51.43 38.65
(vi) Other financial assets 272.55 84.18
(c) Other current assets 1719.48 1403.43
Total Current Assets 29354.58 20516.55
Total Assets 34755.65 28376.73
EQUITY 60 60
(a) Equity share capital 23115.42 20303.98
(b) Other Equity 23175.42 20363.98
Total Equity    
(1) Non-Current Liabilities    
(a) Financial Liabilities    
(i) Borrowings 11 7.21
(b) Provisions 570.84 491.76
Total Non Current Liabilities 581.84 498.97
(2) Current Liabilities     
(a) Financial Liabilities    
(i) Borrowings 1714.43 1557.91
(ii) Trade Payables    
Total outstanding dues of micro enterprises and small enterprises 28.13 27.41
Total outstanding dues of creditors creditors than micro enterprises and small enterprises  2049.81 1508.86
(iii) Other Financial Liabilities 1039.59 912.4
(b) Other Current Liabilities 5226.21 2884.94
(c) Provisions 252.38 205.04
(d) Current Tax Liabilities (Net) 687.84 417.22
Total Current Liabilities 10998.39 7513.78
Total Equity And Liabilities 34755.65 28376.73

Frick India Limited  Profit & Loss Statement (Rs In Lakhs)

Particulars 2023 2022
I. Revenue from operations 36282.8 28046.69
II. Other Income 644.2 725.11
III. Total Income (I+II) 36927 28771.8
Cost of material consumed 25562.77 20444.34
Changes in investment of finished goods, work-in-progress and stock in trade -1315.95 -1355.05
Employee benefit expenses 5106.44 4338.83
Finance costs 198.51 196.31
Depriciation 206.24 203
Amortization Expenses 9.13 14.11
Other Expenses 3303.39 2740.55
IV Total Expenses 33070.54 26582.09
V Profit before tax (III-IV) 3856.46 2189.71
VI Tax expenses :    
(1) Current Tax 1100 578
(2) Deffered tax -78.2 -24.63
(3) Provision for earlier years -17.55                –
Total tax expenses 1004.25 553.37
VII. Profit after tax (V-VI) 2852.21 1636.34
VIII. Other comprehensive income    
Remeasurement of defined benefit plan -30.43 -14.89
Income Tax effect on above 7.66 3.75
Total Other Comprehensive Income (VIII) -22.77 -11.14
IX. Total Comprehensive Income (VII+VIII) 2829.44 1625.2
X. Earning per equity share ( Face Value Rs. 10\- each)    
(1) Basic 475.4 272.73
(2) Diluted 475.4 272.73

Frick India Limited Consolidated Cash Flow Statement (Rs In Lakhs)

Particulars 2023 2022
Net profit before tax 3856.46 2189.71
Adjustments for:    
Amortization Expenses 206.24 203
(Profit/Loss on sale of property, Plant and equipment (Net) 9.13 14.11
Property, Plant & Equipment Discarded 0.2 -0.95
Interest Received 0.36 1.4
Dividend Received -488.22 -432.16
(Profit/Loss on sale of property, Plant and equipment (Net) – Non Current -7.37 -6.02
Unrealised (Gain)/Loss of investment (Net) -37.73 -20.31
Finance Cost -32.06 -152.55
Operating profit before working capital changes 198.51 196.31
Adjustment for:    
(Increase/Decrease) in Trade Receivables -978.56 854.18
(Increase/Decrease) in Inventories -2865.09 2227.16
(Increase/Decrease) in other financial assets and other assets 329.11 25.48
(Increase/Decrease) in other financial liabilities, provision and other liabilities 3106.12 363.87
Cash generated from operations 2638.88 1008.91
Direct Taxes Paid -861.82 686.2
Interest Received 291.71 698.3
Dividend Received 7.37 6.02
Purchase pf property, plant & Equipment (Including CWP) -213.07 -240.47
Purchase of intangible assets -2.7             –
Sale of property,plant & equipment 0.66 2.6
Movement in other Bank Balances -2979.47 -788.92
(Purchase)/Sales of investments -616.86 130.27
Dividend paid -16 -18
Finance Cost -148.51 -174.31
Proceeds (Repayment) from short term borrowings 154.25 98.58
Proceeds (Repayment) from long term borrowings 6.06 -5.08

Certainly, here is a summary of the Cash Flow Statement for the years 2023 and 2022:

Cash Flow from Operating Activities

– In 2023, the net cash generated from operating activities was $1,777.06. This is a significant increase from 2022 when it was $322.71.

Cash Flow from Investing Activities

– In 2023, the net cash from investing activities was $3,512.36. This indicates a substantial increase in investment activities compared to 2022 when it was $192.20. Key components of this section include interest and dividend received, purchases of property, plant & equipment, and changes in other bank balances and investments.

Cash Flow from Financing Activities:

– In 2023, the net cash from financing activities was -$6.20, indicating that the company repaid more than it received from financing activities. In 2022, it was -$98.81. This section includes dividend payments, finance costs, and proceeds/repayments from short-term and long-term borrowings.

Overall Cash Flow:

– In 2023, the net cash flow during the year was -$1,741.50, indicating a significant decrease in cash and cash equivalents. In 2022, it was $31.70, showing a positive net cash flow.

Cash & Cash Equivalents:

– The opening balance of cash and cash equivalents in 2023 was $1,872.95, which decreased to $131.45 as the closing balance. In 2022, the opening balance was $1,841.25, and it increased to $1,872.95 as the closing balance.

Bellow are the Financial Ratios

Operating Revenue Over INR 500 cr
EBITDA  45.22 %
Networth  53.55 %
Debt/Equity Ratio 5.89
Return on Equity 22.22%
Total Assets  23.18 %
Fixed Assets  39.40 %
Current Assets  28.71 %
Current Liabilities  54.29 %
Trade Receivables  0.00 %
Trade Payables  14.44 %
Current Ratio 0.91

Here is a summary of the financial and operational metrics for Frick India Limited  

1. Operating Revenue:

   – Frick India Limited generated operating revenue of over INR 500 crores. This indicates that the company ‘s total revenue from its core operations was substantial, exceeding 500 crore Indian Rupees.


   – Frick India Limited had an EBITDA margin of 45.22%. This margin represents the percentage of operating earnings before certain expenses, indicating a healthy level of profitability.

3. Net Worth:

   – The company ‘s net worth was 53.55%. This suggests that equity plays a significant role in financing the company ‘s assets, and shareholders ‘ equity makes up a substantial portion of the company ‘s capital structure.

4. Debt/Equity Ratio:

   – Frick India Limited had a debt/equity ratio of 5.89. This ratio indicates that the company had a relatively high level of debt compared to equity. A high ratio may suggest that the company carries a significant debt burden.

5. Return on Equity (ROE):

   – The company achieved a return on equity (ROE) of 22.22%. This metric measures the company ‘s profitability in relation to shareholders ‘ equity, indicating that the company generated a return of 22.22% on shareholders ‘ equity in 2019.

6. Total Assets:

   – Total assets represented 23.18% of the company ‘s financial structure. This figure reflects the company ‘s size and the value of its assets.

7. Fixed Assets:

   – Fixed assets made up 39.40% of the total assets. This suggests that the company invested significantly in long-term assets, such as property, plant, and equipment.

8. Current Assets:

   – Current assets constituted 28.71% of the total assets. These assets are typically expected to be converted into cash or used within one year and include items like cash, accounts receivable, and inventory.

9. Current Liabilities:

   – Current liabilities accounted for 54.29% of the total liabilities. Current liabilities are obligations expected to be settled within one year, including accounts payable and short-term debt.

10. Trade Receivables:

    – Trade receivables were 0.00%, indicating that the company managed its accounts receivable effectively or had none at the time of reporting.

11. Trade Payables:

    – Trade payables constituted 14.44% of the total liabilities. These are amounts owed to suppliers and vendors for goods and services.

12. Current Ratio:

    – The current ratio was 0.91. This ratio measures the company ‘s ability to cover its short-term obligations with its short-term assets. A ratio below 1.0 may indicate potential liquidity concerns.

Annual Report- 2022-23

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