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Hero Fincorp Limited Unlisted Shares


Hero FinCorp Limited offers financial services. The Company provides loans against property, two-wheeler, and SME(Small and medium-sized Enterprise) and commercial loans. Hero FinCorp serves customers in India.


Financials of Hero Fincorp Limited Unlisted Shares:

Particulars(Cr) 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 6MFY21
Total Revenue 771.38 1332.69 1691 2492 3663 1814
Revenue Growth % 158.64 72.77 26% 47% 46% NA
Profit/Loss Before Tax (PBT) 124.76 200.62 215 413 480 164
Profit/Loss After Tax (PAT) 81.5 130.41 145 268 310 122
PAT Growth % 145.85 60.01 24.57 84% 16% NA
Earnings per share (EPS) 12.11 15.38 15.63 25.97 27 10.11


Other Highlights
Particulars(in Crs) FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20
Equity Capital 98.45 114.15 114.81
Net Worth 2251 3661 4527
Book Value Per Share 228 321 394
Face Value (In Rs.) 10 10 10
Dividend 28% 42.50% 25%


Hero Fincorp
Buying Price : 1400
Selling Price :  1600
Profit After TAX (In Crores) : 81.50
Paid Up Equity Capital (In Crores) : 79.19
Face Value : 10
Book Value (In Crores) : 1030.22
Turnover (In Crores) : 772.34
Free Reserves : 951.03
EBITDA : 435.91
EPS : 12.11

Nature Of Industry/Activity : NBFC
Promoters : Hero Motocorp, Munjals
Promoters Share Holding : 90.99 %
Sales : 0
Dividend : 1

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Hero FinCorp Limited Unlisted Shares: Company Overview

Hero FinCorp Limited is an NBFC (Non-Banking Financial Company) with a variety of product portfolios. Incorporated in December 1991 as Hero Honda FinLease Limited; after the restructuring of the parent company Hero MotoCorp Limited (Formerly known as Hero Honda Motors Limited), led to the present form as Hero FinCorp Limited. The goal of the company is to help low-income people and make the dreams of Indian entrepreneurs and companies a reality. In the field of financial services, the company focuses on customers who are unable to obtain banking services for reasons such as a limited number of documents and limited reputation, it is regarded as a high-risk category by bank channels.


Hero FinCorp Limited has established a housing finance department with Hero Housing Finance Limited (Hero FinCorp Limited owns 100% of the shares) to meet housing needs and support the government’s overall mission of providing housing for all. The Company provides a variety of other financial products consisting of used Car Financing, Loyalty Personal Loan, Inventory Funding, Loan Against Property, and Loans to SMEs and Emerging Corporates. Today, it has close to more than 4000 retail financing touch-points across Hero MotoCorp’s network over more than 1900+ cities, towns, and villages, and has partnered with over 3000 satisfied corporate clients.

Hero FinCorp Ltd Share Price, Share Details as of March 31, 2023

Hero FinCorp Ltd Outstanding Shares: 12,73,06,674
Face Value of Hero FinCorp Ltd Share: Rs. 10 Per Equity Share
ISIN of Hero FinCorp Ltd Share: INE957N01016
Lot Sze of Hero FinCorp Ltd Share: 100
Hero FinCorp Ltd Share Price: Best In Industry
PAN Number of Hero FinCorp Ltd : AAACH0157J

Hero FinCorp Ltd Incorporation Details

Hero FinCorp Ltd CIN Number U74899DL1991PLC046774
Hero FinCorp Ltd Registration Date  01 July 1923
Category / Sub-Category of Hero FinCorp Ltd Public Companies having a Share Capital
Hero FinCorp Ltd Registered Office Address 34, Community Centre, Basant Lok, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi – 110 057
Hero FinCorp Ltd Limited Registrar & Transfer Agent Address & Contact Details Selenium Tower B, Plot 31-32, Gachibowli,. Financial District, Nanakramguda, Hyderabad – 500 032

Hero FinCorp Ltd Board of Directors

Mr. Pradeep Dinodia  CHAIRMAN
Mr. Abhimanyu Munjal  MEMBER
Mr. Paramdeep Singh MEMBER
Mr. Amar Raj Bindra  MEMBER
Dr. Pawan Munjal  MEMBER
Mr. Sanjay Kukreja MEMBER
Mr. Sajin Mangalathu MEMBER
Mrs. Renu Munjal  MEMBER
Mr. Matthew Russell Michelini MEMBER

Hero FinCorp Ltd Shareholding Pattern (As of 31-03-2023)

CATEGORY Shares held % of Shareholding
Promoters 10,12,56,432 79.54
Non-Promoters 2,60,50,242 20.46
GRAND TOTAL 12,73,06,674 100.00%

Principal Business Activities of the Hero Fincorp Limited

All the business activities contributing 10% or more of the total turnover of the company:

Name and Description of main products/services NIC Code of the Product/ service % to total turnover of the company
NBFC (Financing Services) 6492 98.55%

Balance Sheet of Hero FinCorp Limited (Rs. In Crore)

Particulars 31st march 2024 31st March 2023 31st March 2022 31st March 2021
Financial Assets
Cash and Cash equivalents 98.78 750.01 874.49 1,106.87
Investments 1895.96 1747.49 1,172.98 1,917.24
Loans 49,880.47 39,871.27 31,341.04 26,194.69
Trade receivables 4.92 1.45 2.12 7.98
Other financial assets 192.01 346.65 276.53 113.11
Total Financial Assets 52072.14 42,716.87 33,667.16 29,456.02
Tax assets 524.56 523.56 550.33 383.47
Property, plant and equipment 181.00 67.59 49.52 53.05
Intangible assets 27.17 19.15 21.41 22.54
Intangible assets under development 0.75 2.76
Right to use assets 118.27 45.55
Other Non-financial assets 87.98 124.05 110.63 80.95
Total Non-Financial Assets 939.73 782.66 731.89 540.01
Total Assets 53011.87 43,499.53 34,399.05 29,996.03
Equity And Liabilities
Equity share capital 127.31 127.31 127.31 127.31
Other Equity 5644.72 5120.52 4642.67 4,840.45
Total Equity 5772.03 5247.83 4,769.98 4,967.76
Financial Liabilities
Payables 439.00 498.5 304.81 257.67
Borrowings 35840.39 26,612.99 22,008.69 19,156.51
Subordinated liabilities 3625.37 3267.79 643.16 642.91
Debt securities 6703.72 6747.08
lease liabilities 127.24 52.40
Other Financial liabilities 511.33 902.72 643.21 4875.89
Total Financial Liabilities  47247.05 38081.48 29,515.66 24,932.98
Non-Financial Liabilities
Tax Liabilities 40.85 1.03 8.60
Provisions 69.86 54.87 48.06 41.69
Other Non-financial liabilities 74.87 66.01 65.35 45.00
Total Non-Financial Liabilities  185.59 121.91 113.41 95.29
Total Liabilities  47432.64 38,203.39 29,629.07 25,028.27
Total Equity And Liabilities  53204.67 43,451.22 34,399.05 29,996.03

Profit & Loss Statement of Hero FinCorp Limited (Rs. In Crore)

Particulars 2023 2022 2021
Revenue From Operations 6401.60 4,738.66 4,278.08
Other Income 45.95 59.00 55.44
Total Income 6447.55 4797.66 4333.52
EBITDA 2889.53 1546.85 1903.12
EBITDA margin 44.81% 32.24% 43.91%
Finance Cost 2173.95 1,678.53 1,710.31
Depreciation 37.93 33.19 35.21
Other Expense 3500.45 59.00 55.44
Profit Before Tax 735.22 (254.03) 71.07
Total Tax 255.27 (62.13) 19.45
Profit/ (loss) after tax 479.95 (191.90) 51.62
PAT Margins (%) 7.45% (4.04)% 1.20%
EPS (Diluted) 37.67 (15.07) 4.22

Hero FinCorp Limited Cash Flow Statement for the last three years (In Rs. Crore)

Particulars  2022-23 2021-22 2020-21
Cash Flow from Operating Activities     
Profit/ (loss) before tax 735.22 (254.03) 71.07
Adjusted for:        
 Depreciation and Amortisation Expense 37.93 33.19 35.21
Impairment on financial instruments 1212.23 1840.81 1417.74
Dividend income from investments (0.74) (0.74) (0.74)
Discount on commercial paper 157.60 110.09 147.19
Employee share based payment expense 8.32 6.21 5.86
Net loss on sale of property, plant and equipment 1.60 2.15 3.52
Interest income on fixed deposit and investments (68.72) (39.58) (47.80)
Interest expense on lease liability 4.51 3.98 4.51
Gain on derecognition of financial instruments under amortized cost category (23.13) (15.84)
Net loss/(gain) on fair value changes 299.71 (21.05) (22.66)
Profit on sale of investments (85.63) (43.44) (23.94)
Operating Profit Before Working Capital Changes     2278.90 1621.75 1589.96
Decrease in trade receivables 0.67 5.86 (0.11)
Increase in loans (9742.46) (6987.16) (3349.34)
(Increase)/ decrease in bank balance other than cash and cash equivalents 123.30 (48.39) (115.61)
(Increase)/ decrease in other financial assets (56.70) 16.98 (80.30)
Increase in other non-financial assets (6.27) (31.54) (15.50)
Increase in other financial liabilities 402.73 48.05 191.03
Increase in trade payables 193.72 47.13 89.02
Increase in other non financial liabilities 9.90 20.36 2.72
Increase in Provisions 7.22 5.27 7.25
Net cash used in operating activities before income tax       (6788.99) (5301.69) (1680.88)
Income Tax Paid (Net) (227.42) (109.86) (159.12)
Net Cash used in Operating Activities (A)     (7016.41) (5411.55) (1840)
B: Cash Flow from Investing Activities    
Purchase of Property, Plant, Equipment, and Other Intangible Assets (50.98) (23.93) (15.82)
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment 2.71 5.27 5.30
Dividend received 0.74 0.74 0.74
Interest received on fixed deposit and investments 68.72 39.58 47.79
Purchase of investments (17,641.62) (18,773.49) (27,527.13)
Sale of investments 17,163.09 19,582.24 25,735.35
Net Cash generated from/ (Used in) Investing Activities (B)   (457.34) 830.41 (1753.77)
C: Cash Flow from Financing Activities    
Proceeds from the issue of Shares (including securities premium) 1.81 2.46 470.10
Proceeds from issue of compulsorily convertible preference shares 2000
Share issue expensed paid (6.00)
Proceeds from issue of debt securities 5176.12 5533.29 6049.80
Repayment of debt securities (4566.75) (4012) (7215)
Proceeds from issue of borrowings (other than debt securities) 19,026.50 15,598.93 15,335.38
Repayment of borrowings (other than debt securities) (14,556.37) (12,747.88) (12,309.62)
Proceeds from issue of subordinated liabilities 288.97 0.25 69.85
Repayment of lease liability (15.01) (13.56) (12.82)
Dividend paid (12.73) (30.99)
Net Cash Generated from Financing Activities (C) 7349.27 4348.76 2356.70
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents (A+B+C) (124.48) (232.28) (1237.07)
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 874.49 1106.87 2343.94
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 750.01 874.49 1106.87

Summary of Hero FinCorp Limited Cash Flow Statement for the last three years:

1. Cash Flow from Operating Activities:

– The operating profit before working capital changes increased to Rs. 2,278.90 crore in 2022-23, showing a positive trend over the years.

– The company had negative net cash flow from operating activities in all three years, indicating higher cash outflows than inflows from its core business operations.

– The increase in loans was significant in all three years, resulting in substantial cash outflows.

– Other financial assets and non-financial assets also had fluctuations, impacting the operating cash flow.

2. Cash Flow from Investing Activities:

– The company made significant investments in property, plant, equipment, and other intangible assets, leading to cash outflows in all three years. The total amount spent on these assets was Rs. 50.98 crore in 2022-23, Rs. 23.93 crore in 2021-22, and Rs. 15.82 crore in 2020-21.

– The sale of property, plant, and equipment generated some cash inflow, with proceeds of Rs. 2.71 crore in 2022-23, Rs. 5.27 crore in 2021-22, and Rs. 5.30 crore in 2020-21.

– Hero FinCorp made substantial investments in various financial instruments, both in purchases and sales. The net cash generated from or used in investing activities was negative, with amounts of Rs. 457.34 crore in 2022-23, Rs. 830.41 crore in 2021-22, and Rs. 1,753.77 crore in 2020-21.

3. Cash Flow from Financing Activities:

– The company raised funds through issuing shares, convertible preference shares, and debt securities, generating cash inflows in all three years. The amounts received from these activities were Rs. 1.81 crore in 2022-23, Rs. 2.46 crore in 2021-22, and Rs. 470.10 crore in 2020-21.

– Repayment of debt securities and other borrowings resulted in cash outflows. The amounts repaid were Rs. 4,566.75 crore in 2022-23, Rs. 4,012 crore in 2021-22, and Rs. 7,215 crore in 2020-21.

– The company also received proceeds from subordinated liabilities, with amounts of Rs. 288.97 crore in 2022-23, Rs. 0.25 crore in 2021-22, and Rs. 69.85 crore in 2020-21.

– Dividends were paid out to shareholders in the previous years, resulting in cash outflows. The amounts paid were Rs. 12.73 crore in 2021-22 and Rs. 30.99 crore in 2020-21.

Overall, Hero FinCorp experienced negative net cash flows in all three years, indicating a net decrease in cash and cash equivalents. The cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year reduced gradually over the years, reflecting the cash flow trends and financial activities during the period.

Hero FinCorp Dividend and Retained Earnings

Particulars 2023 2022 2021 2020
Dividend (In Rs.) 1.00 2.55

Performance of Hero FinCorp

  • Revenue from Operations of the company increased by 35.09% from Rs. 4,738.66 Crore in FY 2022 to Rs. 6401.60 Crore in FY 2023.
  • EBITDA has seen a rise of 86.80% in FY 2023 and reached Rs. 2889.53 Crore from Rs. 1546.85 Crore in FY 2022.
  • Total borrowings of the company increased from Rs. 22,008.69 Crore as of 31st March 2022 to Rs. 26,612.99 Crore as of 31st March 2023.
  • The Finance cost of the company decreased by 29.51% from Rs. 1678.53 Crore in FY 2022 to Rs. 2173.95 Crore in FY 2023.
  • Profit after tax stood Rs. 479.95 Crore in FY 2023 against a loss after tax of Rs. 191.90 Crore in FY 2022, showing a rise of 350%.
  • The book value of the company as of 31st March 2023 was Rs.412.20.

Annual Report- 2022-23

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