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Inox Leasing & Finance ltd Unlisted Shares



Inox Leasing and Finance Limited (ILFL) was incorporated on February 17, 1995 as Inox Leasing and Finance Private Limited (ILFL) and the word “Private” was deleted from its name pursuant to the provisions of Section 43A of the Companies Act with effect from November 22, 1995. Further, ILFL changed its status from being a public company by virtue of section 43A of the Companies Act to being a public company with effect from January 28, 1998.

The main business of ILFL is to conduct the business as a finance company including financing industrial, commercial and business operations by means of loans, leasing, hiring and hire purchases, dealing in shares and securities. Currently ILFL, being an investment company, is engaged in the business of financing and investments in equity shares of the companies. ILFL has obtained certificate of registration to carry on the business of a non-banking finance institution vide Certificate of Registration No. B-13.01448 dated January 4, 2001. ILFL also gets rent income from office premises given on lease. From the year 2004-05, ILFL has also commenced the business of distribution of units of mutual funds, and gets brokerage income. ILFL is registered with Association of Mutual Funds of India (AMFI) as a mutual fund advisor.

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Inox Leasing and Finance Limited Unlisted Share – Company Overview

Inox Leasing and Finance Limited is a part of INOX Group. INOX Group is a diversified Conglomerate of India comprising activities including Manufacturing Industrial gases, Fluorochemicals, Cryogenic Equipment, LNG Storage and distribution Equipment, Wind Turbines, and renewable Energy. The group is also the owner of India’s fastest-growing multiplex chains.

Inox Leasing and Finance Limited is engaged in the business of financial services, investment in securities, bonds, and mutual funds, and also acts as a broker for mutual funds. However, the primary business of Inox Leasing And Finance Limited is to act as a finance company for industrial, commercial, and business operations by means of loans, leasing, and dealing in shares, and securities.

Incorporation Details of Inox Leasing and Finance Limited

CIN of Inox Leasing


Registration Date of Inox Leasing

17th February 1995

Category/Sub-category of Inox Leasing

Public Limited Company

Inox Leasing Registered office address and contact details

69, Jolly Maker Chambers 2, Nariman Point,

Mumbai – 400021

Tel: +91 40323195

E-mail address: info@ilfl.co.in

Website: www.ilfl.co.in

Inox Leasing Registrar and Transfer Agent address and contact details

Share transfer-related activities are carried out In-house by the Company.

Principal Business Activities of Inox Leasing and Finance Limited

Name and Description of main products/services NIC Code of the product/service % to total turnover of the Company
Investment activities 6430 93.28%

Board of Directors of Inox Leasing and Finance Limited

D.K. Jain (Chairman)

P.K. Jain (Managing Director)

V.K. Jain (Director)

Siddharth Jain (Director)

Devansh Jain (Director)

Particulars of Subsidiary Companies of Inox Leasing

Name of the Company Subsidiary/Associate % of shares held
GFL Limited Subsidiary 52.93%
Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited Subsidiary 52.58%

Shareholding Pattern of Inox Leasing and Finance Limited (As of 31-03-2020)

S. No. Shareholder’s Name Number of shares % of total Shares of the company
1 Promoters Holding 97,46,445 97.53%
2 Public Shareholding 2,47,022 2.47%
  Total 99,93,467 100.00%

Industry Outlook 

India’s financial services sector is very diversified and comprises various entities such as commercial banks, insurance companies, co-operatives, mutual funds, non-banking financial companies (NBFCs), and other various entities. The share of NBFCs is continuously growing in the financial services industry. As per RBI, NBFCs have outperformed Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) in terms of growth in advances and in asset quality. It is expected that the NBFCs will grow their share in the financial services sector in the near future.

FY 2020 has been one of the most eventful and challenging years that the financial services industry has experienced. The Outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic across the globe and in India has contributed to a significant decline and volatility in the global and Indian Financial markets and a slowdown in economic activities. Since the duration and magnitude of COVID-19 are still uncertain, it will affect the plans of this industry for FY 2021.

According to ICRA, a rating agency, the NBFC industry is likely to face asset quality pressure in the short term. However, the majority of the NBFC industry will withstand any stress as their collection capacity is improving. Moreover, their balance sheets mention that they are maintaining sufficient liquidity for tackling emergencies.

RBI has announced various measures, as a part of the response to the economic challenge faced by the NBFC industry, to aid the liquidity crisis in the system and to make NBFC work easier. RBI has introduced the Liquidity Coverage Ratio requirement for all types of NBFCs with an asset size of Rs.5,000 Crore.


Inox Leasing And Finance Limited Balance Sheet (Amt. In Lakhs)

Financial assets    
Cash and cash equivalents 4,678.03 9,303.60
Bank balances other than (a) above 50,211.01 53,579.07
Trade receivables 1,86,421.98 1,85,301.86
Loans 40,718.69 30,321.01
Investments 2,901.77 6,708.63
Investment at Equity Method 86.29 3,337.81
Other financial assets 1,33,162.32 1,35,899.08
  4,18,180.09 4,24,451.06
Non-financial assets    
Inventory 2,61,545.83 1,95,101.99
Current tax assets (Net) 3,112.64 4,109.80
Deferred tax assets (Net) 60,237.36 58,408.39
Property, Plant and Equipment 4,53,286.89 3,78,716.11
Capital Work in Progress 1,30,532.77 86,790.64
Investment Property 338.18 643.71
Intangible asset 5,512.23 2,900.38
Intangible asset under development 1529.91
Goodwill 1011.3
Right-of-use asset 17,789.87 8,780.81
Other non-financial assets 64,895.83 41,637.83
  9,99,792.81 7,77,089.66
TOTAL ASSETS 14,17,972.90 12,01,540.72
Financial liabilities    
Derivative financial instruments
Trade Payables    
(i) total outstanding dues to micro and small enterprises 939.78 597.61
(ii) total outstanding dues of creditors other than micro and small enter-prises 1,21,421.36 1,21,625.15
Debt securities 32,484.70
Borrowings (Other than debt securities) 2,79,997.79 2,43,717.39
Other financial liabilities 91,485.93 79,049.86
  4,93,844.86 4,77,474.71
Non-financial liabilities    
Provisions 7,291.53 6,219.41
Other non-financial liabilities 29,005.53 58,908.21
Deferred tax Liabilities (Net) 25,571.00 27,912.56
  61,868.05 93,040.18
Equity Share Capital 990.01 990.01
Investments entirely equity in nature   8,500.00
Other equity 4,25,696.90 3,80,314.46
Equity attributable to Owners of the Company 4,26,686.90 3,89,804.47
Non Controlling Interests 4,35,573.09 2,41,221.36
  8,62,259.99 6,31,025.83
TOTAL LIABILITIES and EQUITY 14,17,972.90 12,01,540.72

Inox Leasing And Finance Limited Profit & Loss Statement (Amt. In Lakhs)

Particulars 2023 2022
a. Revenue from operations    
Sale of product 6,09,242.77 4,17,836.96
Sale of services 22,484.07 32,601.95
Interest income 2,528.99 9,482.74
Dividend Income
Brokerage received 83 73.12
Profit/(Loss) attributable to change in fair value of Investment -895.86 3,494.37
b. Other income 19,857.93 92,118.63
Total revenue (a+b) 6,53,300.90 5,55,607.77
Cost of material consumed 2,36,086.67 1,59,153.25
Material extraction and processing cost 2,812.71 2,747.48
Purchases of stock-in-trade 753.68
Change in stock -32,900.68 -4,955.56
Finance costs 38,916.69 47,818.56
Power and fuel 95,536.96 67,395.89
Employees benefit expenses 41,189.89 40,092.42
Depreciation and amortisation expense 34,223.47 44,469.84
Exhibition cost 1,961.79
Rent concessions -7,686.80
Other expenses 1,32,025.26 1,27,685.03
Total expenses (a+b+c+d+e+f) 5,47,890.96 4,79,435.58
Less: Expenditure capitalised 3,332.65 4,291.74
Net Expenses 5,44,558.32 4,75,143.84
Share of losses of Associates 199.96
Share of loss of joint venture -0.52 -0.52
Profit before tax and exceptional items (1-2) 1,08,742.06 80,663.37
Exceptional itmes
Profit before tax 1,08,742.06 80,663.37
Tax expense    
Current tax 52,356.46 29,032.30
Deferred tax charge/(benefits) -4,061.59 -24,171.62
Taxes for earlier years -156.4 -187.14
MAT credit entitlement
Total tax expense 48,138.47 4,673.55
Profit for the year (3-4) 60,603.59 75,989.82
Less: share of Minority interest in profit    
  60,603.59 75,989.82
Profit/(loss) from discontinued operations before tax 54
Tax expense on discontinued operations -14
Net profit 60,603.59 76,029.82
Other comprehensive income    
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss    
a. Remeasurement profit/( loss) on defined benefit plans 5.42 149.48
Income tax relating to remeasurement profit/(loss) on defined benefit plans 30.13 -52.71
b. Equity instruments through other comprehensive income    
Income tax relating to FVTOCI to equity investments    
Deferred tax charge/ (benefits) relating to FVTOCI to equity investments  
Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss    
Exchange difference in translating financial statements of foreign operations 1644.53 -295.3
Gains and (losses) on effective portion of hedging instruments in a cash flow hedge -6.47 36.96
Tax on (b) above 1.63 -9.3
Remeasurement of the defined benefit plans
Tax on (d) above
Other comprehensive profif for the year 1675.24 -170.88
  1675.24 -170.88
Total comprehensive profit for the year 62,278.83 75,858.95
Profit/(loss) for the year attributable to:    
– Owners of the Company 44,685.01 71,666.40
– Non-controlling interest 15,918.58 4,363.43
Other comprehensive income for the year attributable to:    
– Owners of the Company 878.11 -105.15
– Non-controlling interest 797.13 -65.73
Total comprehensive income for the year attributable to:    
– Owners of the Company 45,563.12 71,561.25
– Non-controlling interest 16,715.71 4,297.85
Basic and Diluted Earnings per equity share of Rs. 10/- each (in Rs.) 612.15 767.57

Inox Leasing And Finance Limited Consolidated Cash Flow Statement (Amt. In Lakhs)

Particulars 2023 2022
Profit after tax but before exceptional item 60,603.59 90,187.84
Adjustments for:    
Depreciation and amortisation expense 34,223.47 44,469.84
Adjustments from changes in Equity    
Other Comprehensive Income 1675.24 -170.88
Transfer to Reserve on Consolidation -2,197.00
Transfer to Non Controlling interest -4,400.83
Adjustment on Consolidation/Demerger -3,381.87
On account of demerger of Renewable Energy Business 417
Investment entirely in nature of equity -8,500.00 8,500.00
Due to change in shareholding percentage -47,089.15
Elimination on sale of subsidiary -60,622.15
MAT Credit Adjustment -43.86
Operating profit before working capital changes 88,419.29 25,251.95
Changes in working capital    
Adjustments for (increase) / decrease in operating assets:    
Changes in Inventory -66,443.84 -15,994.35
Other loans -10397.69 -104.77
Other financial assets 2,736.76 -10,408.10
Other non- financial assets -23,258.00 -6,400.77
Trade receivables -1,120.12 -12,063.01
Tax Assets and Liabilities -3,173.38 9,176.38
Adjustments for increase / (decrease) in operating liabilities:    
Other financial liabilities 12,436.07 -2,60,918.14
Provisions 1,072.11 -3,205.28
Trade payables 138.38 -12,088.63
Other non- financial liabilities -34,896.61 24,115.60
Cash flow from operating activities post working capital changes -34,487.00 -2,62,639.12
Income- tax paid
Net cash flow from operating activities (A) -34,487.00 -2,62,639.12
Additions in PPE, Investment Property and ROU (net) -1,17,497.78 -71,771.96
Proceeds from sale of PPE, Investment Property and ROU 7,920.55
Adjustments of PPE, Investment Property and ROU -8,539.50
Movement due to Amalgamation/disposal of subsidiary 3,07,783.39
Movement due to Foreign Currency changes in PPE and Intangible assets -364.52
Changes in WIP -43,742.13 -8,210.20
Changes in Goodwill and Intangible -5,153.06 1,501.79
Proceeds from term desposit 3,368.06 -2,800.68
Proceeds from sale/ redemption of investments 1,01,427.62 13,862.59
Net cash used in investing activities (B) -61,597.30 2,39,381.45
Proceeds from borrowings (net) 3795.7  
Dividend paid -776.49 15,401.47
Proceeds from issue of shares by IWEL Group 88901.98
Issue of Share Warrants -500.00 2,250.00
Forfeiture of Share Warrants 37.54
Buy back of shares -163.48
Net cash flow from financing activities (C) 91,458.73 17,487.99
Increase in cash and cash equivalents (A+B+C) -4,625.57 -5,769.68
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 9,303.60 15,073.28
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 4,678.03 9,303.60
Note: Cash and cash equivalents included in the Cash Flow Statement comprise of the following:-    
Cash on hand 11.34 9.52
Balances with banks:    
– in current accounts 3,001.33 8,853.10
– in cash credit accounts 1665.35 440.98
Total 4,678.03 9,303.60

Here ‘s a detailed breakdown of the Cash Flow Statement for the years 2023 and 2022:

Cash Flow from Operating Activities:

– 2023: The net cash flow from operating activities was negative at ₹34,487.00. This indicates that the company ‘s operating cash outflows exceeded its operating cash inflows during the year.

– 2022: Similarly, in 2022, the net cash flow from operating activities was negative at ₹2,62,639.12, indicating a significant deficit in operating cash flows.

 Cash Flow from Investing Activities:

– 2023: The net cash used in investing activities amounted to ₹61,597.30. This suggests that the company made significant investments in assets such as property, plant, and equipment, as well as in term deposits and investments.

– 2022: In contrast, in 2022, there was a net cash inflow from investing activities of ₹2,39,381.45, primarily due to proceeds from the sale/redemption of investments.

 Cash Flow from Financing Activities:

– 2023: The net cash flow from financing activities was positive at ₹91,458.73. This indicates that the company raised more cash from financing activities than it paid out during the year, primarily driven by proceeds from borrowings and issuance of shares.

– 2022: Similarly, in 2022, there was a net cash inflow from financing activities of ₹17,487.99, mainly due to proceeds from the issue of shares and borrowings, partially offset by dividend payments.

 Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents:

– 2023: There was a decrease in cash and cash equivalents by ₹4,625.57 during the year, indicating that the company ‘s cash outflows exceeded its cash inflows.

– 2022: Similarly, in 2022, there was a decrease in cash and cash equivalents by ₹5,769.68.

 Cash and Cash Equivalents:

– 2023: The company ended the year with cash and cash equivalents totaling ₹4,678.03, significantly lower than the beginning balance of ₹9,303.60.

– 2022: In 2022, the company had cash and cash equivalents totaling ₹9,303.60 at the end of the year.

Financial Ratios of Inox Leasing And Finance Limited: N/A

Dividend History of Inox Leasing And Finance Limited:

Particulars 2023
Dividend (final + interim) (In Rs.) 36


Annual Report- 2021-22

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