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Otis Elevator Company (I) Limited Unlisted Shares

Our mission

Otis, we’re committed to moving people, not just physically but emotionally as well. Our Vision is to inspire in each and every passenger a perception of excitement, opportunity and the joy of new perspectives.


Otis Elevator Company (I) Ltd. was established in 1953. Recently, there share price is 318. Recently there market capitalisation stands at Rs 375.5 Cr. Latest news, company has reported Gross Sales of Rs. 14181.9 Cr and Total Income of Rs.15333.7 Cr. The company’s management includes Harish Iyer, NK Mohanty, Suma PN, Anil Vaish, P S Dasgupta, Sebi Joseph. This is listed on the BSE with a BSE Code of 504130 , NSE with an NSE Symbol of OTIS and ISIN of . It’s Registered office is at 9th Floor, Magnus Towers, Mindspace, Link Road, Malad (West)Mumbai-400064, Maharashtra. Their Registrars are ACC Ltd. It’s auditors are BSR & Co LLP, Price Waterhouse, Price Waterhouse & Co, Price Waterhouse & Co Bangalore LLP.

We continue to lead the industry we created more than 160 years ago. We owe our success to our pioneering spirit, a culture of innovation, the trust our customers put in us and the values that define us.

Financials of Otis Elevator (India) Limited Unlisted Shares:

(Fig. in Crores)

Year Revenue EBITDA EBITDA Margins PAT PAT Margins Equity FV EPS
2018 1540 296 19.2% 180 11.7% 11.81 10 152.4
2019 1,91 273 15.2% 171 9.5% 11.81 10 144.8
2020 1821 322 17.7% 181 9.9% 11.81 10 155


Year Net-worth Debt ROE
2018 619 1.16 29%
2019 226 1.28 76%
2020 261 0 69%

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Otis Elevator India Share Price & delisted Share – Company Overview


Otis Elevator India Limited is a subsidiary of Otis Elevator Company, which is one of the world’s largest manufacturers and maintainers of people-moving products, including elevators, escalators, and moving walkways. Otis Elevator India Limited was founded in 1953 and is headquartered in Mumbai, India.

The company offers a wide range of elevator and escalator solutions for various applications, including residential, commercial, healthcare, hospitality, and infrastructure projects. Otis Elevator India Limited also provides maintenance and modernization services for its products to ensure optimal performance and safety.

In addition to India, Otis Elevator Company has a global presence and operates in over 200 countries. The company is committed to sustainable practices and has implemented various initiatives to reduce its environmental impact, such as developing energy-efficient products and reducing waste generation.

Otis Elevator Price Delisted Share Details As of March 31, 2023


Otis Outstanding Shares: 11,808,222
Face Value of Otis Delisted Share: Rs. 10 Per Equity Share
ISIN of Otis Delisted Share: INE099A01014
Lot Size of Otis Delisted Share: 10 Shares
Otis Share Price: Best in Industry
PAN Number of Otis: AAACO0481E
Date of Delisting of Otis: 16-Jun-03
Rate of Delisting of of Otis: Rs. 318.44
Reason of Delisting of Otis: Non compliance with clause 21(3)(a) of the SEBI(SAST) Regulations 1997

Incorporation Details of Otis


Otis CIN Number


Otis Registration Date


Category / Sub-Category of Otis

Company limited by Shares

Otis Registered Office Address

9th Floor, Magnus Towers,

Mind Space, Malad West,

Mumbai – 400064

Otis Registrar & Transfer Agent Address

and Contact Details

Link Intime India Private Limited

C 101, 247 Park,

1st Floor L.B.S. Marg, Vikhroli West,

Mumbai – 400083

Board of Directors of Otis


  • Sebi Joseph (Managing Director)
  • P. S. Dasgupta (Independent Director)
  • Anil Vaish (Independent Director)
  • Suma P N (Whole-time Director)
  • Bharatkumar Nayak (Whole-time Director)

Principal Business Activities of Otis


Name and Description of main products/services  NIC Code of the Product/ service % to total turnover of the company
Manufacture and Maintenance of Elevator/Lifts 2915 100%

Otis Particulars of Subsidiary Company


S.No. Name of the Company % of shares held
1. Supriya Elevator Company (India) Limited 100%

Shareholding Pattern of Otis (As of 31st March 2023)                

S. No. Shareholders’ Name No. of Shares % of total shares
1. Otis International Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. 1,15,99,819 98.24%
2. Others 2,08,403 1.76%
Total 1,18,08,222 100%

Industry Outlook of Elevators and Escalators


India is the 2nd largest market in the world after China for elevators and escalators. The sector is expected to grow by around 5% – 6% CAGR for the next 5 years. The sector is projected to cross Rs. 1,50,14,14 lakhs by FY 2023. The rise in the elevators industry can be easily sited by increasing urbanization, development of the real estate sector, and an increasing number of multi-story residential and commercial buildings in the country. Government initiatives such as smart cities mission and AMRUT cities will also contribute to growth in the Elevators sector.

However, it might be possible that the growth would be primarily fuelled by development in the tier-2 and 3 cities as the construction boom has already reached the saturation point in the major metro cities. These changes will definitely increase the demand for maintenance in the industry.

The rising need for maintenance & modernization of elevators is another growth enabling factor globally. Elevators are maintained under full-service contract agreements due to high labor costs and short service cycles.

It is expected that the growth in the residential segment will be the biggest contributor to the construction industry, which will increase the need for elevators.

Maintenance is a critical aspect in this industry as it is important to ensure that the elevator’s performance is maintained, as well as to prolong the life of the Elevator. The elevator industry is putting efforts to enable their field employees to be more efficient by developing tools that can help them to source information faster and make stronger relationships with customers and find out the problem and solve it before it actually becomes a problem.

Internet of things (IOT) will enable more transparency for the customers, more information, and a streamlined process to reach out to their maintenance company.

Nowadays elevator manufacturers are trying to make elevators environmentally friendly which can aid in substantial energy savings. Moreover, they are also working on elevator aesthetics. They are trying to make it a stimulating and engaging space.

Otis Elevator Company (India) Limited Balance Sheet (In Rs. Crores)

Particulars As at 31 March 2023 As at 31 March 2022
Non current assets    
Property, Plant, and Equipment                                50.11                                52.23
Right of Use assets                                30.75                                21.86
Capital Work in Progress                                  6.60                                  2.60
Intangible assets                                  6.84                                  4.46
Intangible assets under development                                       –                                    0.87
Financial Assets    
i) Trade Receivables                                  4.77                                  2.26
ii) Loans                                22.39                                25.02
iii) Other financial assets                                  7.16                                  7.77
Deferred Tax Assets (Net)                                66.31                                73.80
Income tax assets (Net)                                  0.13                                  0.15
Other Non-Current Assets                                64.57                                64.25
Total non current assets                              259.63                              255.27
Current Assets    
Inventories                              264.85                              247.74
Financial Assets    
i) Trade Receivables                              455.44                              418.55
ii) Cash and Cash Equivalents                              539.47                              535.38
iii) Bank balance other than above                                10.66                                  7.74
iv) Loans                                  0.57                                  0.55
v) Other financial assets                                26.80                                16.94
Income tax assets (Net)                                48.37                                38.68
Other current assets                              150.60                              136.74
Assets held for sale                                       –                                         –  
Total current assets                          1,496.76                          1,402.32
Total Assets                          1,756.39                          1,657.59
a) Equity Share capital                                11.81                                11.81
b) Other equity                              207.19                              225.89
Total Equity                              219.00                              237.70
Non-current Liabilities    
Financial liabilities    
i) Lease Liabilities                                  6.55                                13.32
Other non-current liabilities                                30.26                                22.10
Provisions                                70.90                                80.38
Total non current liabilities                              107.71                              115.80
Current liabilities    
Financial liabilities    
i) Lease Liabilities                                27.03                                11.01
ii) Trade payables    
 Total outstanding dues of micro and small Enterprises                                33.07                                25.50
Total outstanding dues of creditors other than micro and small enterprises                              492.91                              465.23
iii) Other financial liabilies                                38.30                                38.31
Other current liabilities                              750.40                              658.02
Provisions                                87.97                              106.02
Total current liailities                          1,429.68                          1,304.09
Total liabilities                          1,537.39                          1,419.89
Total Equity and liabilities                          1,756.39                          1,657.59


Otis Elevator Company (India) Limited Profit & Loss Statement (In Rs. Crores)

 Revenue from Operations            2,435.00            1,947.28
 Other Income                 46.33                 45.16
 Total Income            2,481.33           1,992.44
Cost of Materials Consumed            1,302.30               998.69
Employee Benefits Expense               445.44               391.78
Finance Cost                   6.58                   4.09
Depreciation and Amortisation Expense                 27.65                 29.54
Other Expense               486.60               369.74
Total Expenses           2,268.57           1,793.84
Profit before Tax               212.76              198.60
Tax Expense    
1) Current Tax                 49.00                 49.26
2) Deferred Tax                   7.98                   3.66
3) Current tax relating to earlier years                   1.07                 -0.74
Profit for the year              154.71              146.42
Other comprehensive income    
i) Items that will not be classified to profit or loss    
Actuarial (lossess) arising from remeasurement of post employment benefit obligation                 -2.40                 -0.24
Income Tax Relating to items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss                   0.60                   0.07
Items that will be reclassifed subsequently to profit or loss:                      –                        –  
Exchange differences in translating foreign operations                   0.43                   0.04
Income Tax Relating to items that will be subsequently reclassified to profit or loss                 -0.11                 -0.01
Other Comprehensive loss for the year , net of tax                  -1.48                 -0.14
Total Comprehensive Income for the year               153.23              146.28
Earnings per Equity share (Face Value Per Share)    
a) Basic (Rs.)               131.02               124.00
b) Diluted (Rs.)               131.02               124.00

Otis Elevator Company (India) Limited’s Cash Flow Statement (In Rs. Crores)

Particulars  31st March 2023  31 March 2022 
A. Cash Flow from Operating Activities    
Profit/(Loss) Before Tax                212.76            198.60
Adjustments for:    
Depreciation and amortisation expenses                 27.65              29.54
Provision for other financial assets                   0.12               -4.49
Provision for other current assets                   0.79                   –  
Unrealised loss on fluctuation in foreign exchange(net)                   0.43                0.90
Interest on lease liability                   4.09                3.38
Interest income on    
i) Deposits with Bank                -19.03             -14.05
ii) Income tax refund                 -0.79               -0.01
iii) Loans to related parties                 -1.69               -2.51
iv) Others                 -0.01               -0.37
Loss on sale /discard of property plant & equipment                   0.17                0.09
Provision for product upgradation no longer required written back (net)                      –                 -0.44
Provision for contingency / write back of provision for contingency (net)                 -4.78               -6.41
Liabilities no longer required written back                 -0.48               -1.89
Bad debts provision utilised                 -6.51               -8.39
Interest due on micro and small enterprises                   1.07                0.71
Unwinding of Interest on deposits/retention money/employee loans                  -1.44               -0.64
Share based payments to employees                   5.19                3.06
Mark to market on foreign exchange forward contracts                   1.53                1.32
Cash generated from operations before working capital changes              219.07           198.40
Working capital changes    
Inventories                -17.11             -89.07
Trade receivables – non current                 -1.48               -0.09
Trade receivables – current                -35.65               -3.56
Trade payables                 34.66            126.34
Other current financial asset                -10.12               -4.53
Current Loans                 -0.02               -0.08
Other non current assets                 10.35                0.59
Other Current Assets                 -14.64             -60.80
Non current provision                 -4.70               -6.55
Current Provision                -20.45                5.88
Other current financial liabilities                   0.26                1.42
Other non current liabilities                   8.16               -6.21
Other non current financial assets                   0.98                0.27
Non current Loans                   0.13               -0.01
Other current liabilities                 92.38            103.99
Operating profit after working capital changes              261.82           265.99
Income tax paid, net of refunds                -59.73             -72.80
Net cash generated from operating activities              202.09           193.19
Cash flows from investing activities    
Purchase of property, plant and equipment                -22.21               -8.79
Proceeds from sale of property, plant & equipment                      –                  0.66
Loans repaid by related parties                   2.50                   –  
Interest income                 20.42              19.45
Decrease/(increase) in other bank balances                 -2.92               -0.32
Net cash used in investing activities                 -2.21             11.00
Cash flows from financing activities    
Dividend paid              -177.27           -159.13
Repayment of principal lease liability                -14.43             -12.59
Increase in lease liabilities                 -4.09               -3.38
Net cash used in financing activities             -195.79          -175.10
Net increase/ (decrease) in cash and cash equivalent (A+B+C)                  4.09             29.09
Add: Cash and Cash Equivalent at beginning of year               535.38            506.29
Cash and cash equivalents as at end of year              539.47           535.38
Cash and Cash Equivalent comprise the following    
Cheques on hand                   2.51                0.25
Balance with bank    
 In Current Account                 80.32            106.46
 Deposits with original maturity of less than three months               456.64            428.67
Total               539.47            535.38

Otis Elevator Company (India) Limited Key Financial Ratios 

Particulars 31-Mar-23 31-Mar-22
Current Ratio (in times) 1.05 1.08
Debt-Equity Ratio (in times) 0.14 0.1
Debt Service Coverage Ratio (in times) 10.45 11.65
Return on Equity Ratio (in %) 13.20% 12.44%
Inventory Turnover Ratio (in times) 5.09 4.93
Trade Receivables Turnover Ratio (in times) 5.53 4.72
Trade Payable Turnover Ratio (in times) 2.6 2.55
Net Capital Turnover Ratio (in times) 35.32 19.56
Net Profit Ratio (in %) 0.09% 0.10%
Return on investment 5.04% 3.20%
Return on Capital Employed Ratio (in %) 100.56% 84.91%

Otis Elevator Company (India) Limited share Dividend History

Particulars 2023 2022 2021
Dividend per Share 150 100 150
Retained Earnings (In Rs. Crores) 510.63 180.6 193.76

Otis Elevator Company (India) Limited Recent Financial Performance


  • The current ratio decreased slightly from approximately 1.07 in 2022 to around 1.05 in 2023, suggesting a slightly weaker ability to cover short-term liabilities with current assets.
  • The quick ratio also decreased from about 0.98 in 2022 to around 0.89 in 2023, indicating a reduced ability to cover short-term liabilities without including inventory.


  • The gross profit margin decreased from approximately 48.74% in 2022 to around 46.51% in 2023, possibly due to an increase in the cost of materials consumed.
  • The net profit margin decreased from about 7.52% in 2022 to around 6.34% in 2023, indicating reduced overall profitability.


  • The debt-to-equity ratio increased from approximately 5.98 in 2022 to around 7.02 in 2023, suggesting higher leverage and a larger portion of financing coming from debt.

Return on Equity (ROE):

  • The ROE increased from approximately 124.00% in 2022 to 131.02% in 2023, indicating a higher return on equity capital for shareholders.

Earnings per Share (EPS):

  • The basic EPS increased from approximately 124.00 in 2022 to 131.02 in 2023, indicating higher earnings available to common shareholders per share.

Annual Report- 2022

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