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Studds Accessories Limited Unlisted Shares


STUDDS ACCESSORIES LIMITED is one of the world’s largest manufacturer of two wheeler helmets. The company contain two brands STUDDS & SMK HELMETS. Our plants originated and sold 4.95 million helmets under the STUDDS brand in Fiscal 2018. We provide wide range of various accessories such as helmets and motorcycle which keep on evolving every year in terms of new design and graphics. Basically, We focus on style, design, quality as well as safety, makes us a lifestyle choice for our customers, and positions STUDDS and SMK as aspirational brands. Our brand STUDDS is marketed and sold in almost 21 countries across the globe, instead SMK is present in 23 countries, including Europe, Asia and Latin America (Fiscal 2018).


Studds Accessories Ltd. was incorporated in the year 03-02-1983. Recently there share price is 0. currently market capitalisation stands at Rs 0 Cr.Latest news, company has reported Gross Sales of Rs. 3364.44 Cr and Total Income of Rs.3330.71 Cr. The company’s management includes Pankaj Duhan, Kanika Bhutani, Pallavi Saluja, Shanker Dev Choudhry, Sidhartha Bhushan Khurana, Madhu Bhushan Khurana, Madhu Bhushan Khurana. This is listed on the BSE with a BSE Code of , NSE with an NSE Symbol of and ISIN of . It’s Registered office is at 23/ 7, Mathura Road,Ballabgarh, Faridabad-121004, Haryana. Their Registrars are ACC Ltd. It’s auditors are AC Mehta & Co, Rajan Chhabra & Co.

Assets and Liabilities (all figures in Million)
Year Asset Liabilities Net Worth Book Value Debt Debt/Equity RONW
FY16 1,234 598 635 581 24.3 0.04 39%
FY17 1,416 546 870 796 24.75 0.03 27%
FY18 2,228 1,041 1,186 1086 3.51 0 28%
FY19 3,022 1,442 1,579 80 390 0.247 26%
FY20 3478 1318 2160 110 277 0.12 34%
FY21 4340 1445 2900 147 276 0.095 25%


Profit n Loss Key Parameters (all figures in Million)
Year Revenue PAT EBITDA Margins Profit Margins Outstanding Shares EPS
FY16 2,930 245 13.40% 8.0% 1.093 12.48
FY17 3,111 236 11.90% 8.0% 1.093 12
FY18 3,417 328 16.80% 10.0% 1.093 16
FY19 3,972 404 18.53% 10.2% 19.676 20
FY20 4369 745 23.72% 17% 19.676 37
FY21 4842 740 23% 15.2% 19.676 37

Key Salient Points of FY18-19

1. The Company has shown 16% Revenue Growth in FY18-19 as compared to last year.
2. The Company has shown 23% PAT Growth in FY18-19 as compared to last year.
3. The Company has almost debt Free. D/E is 0.247
4. The Company has Excellent Return Ratios ROE and ROCE in the last 3 years.

Key Salient Points of FY19-20

1. Studds has clocked the revenue of 431 Crores in FY19-20 up by 10.8% as compared to last year.
2. Studds has clocked an EBITDA of 103 Crores in FY19-20 up by 41% as compared to last year.
3. Studds has clocked the PAT of 74 Crores in FY19-20 up by 84% as compared to last year.
4. EPS for the year 2019-20 stands at 37.
5. The total debt on books is 27 Crores and Net-worth of 216 Crores. So, D/E is 0.12.
6. RONW of FY19-20 is 34%.

Financial Analysis of FY20-21

1. In FY20-21, the revenue of Studds Accessories has increased by 15% despite problems in the economy due to COVID-19. In FY20-21, they clocked a revenue of Rs.484 Crores as compared to 420 Crores last year. 2. EBITDA for FY21 stands at 115 Crores as compared to 103 Crores in FY20. This translate into margins of 23.7% in FY21 as compared to 24.5% last year. 3. PAT remains flat at 73 Crores similar to last year. PAT remains same, due to high depreciation as they have added new manufacturing plants and increase of finance cost.

2016 39% 52%
2017 27% 37%
2018 28% 32%
2019 26% 29%
2020 34% 40%

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Studds Accessories Limited Unlisted Shares – Company Overview  

Studds Limited is a leading manufacturer and exporter of helmets and other two-wheeler accessories in India. The company has been in operation for over three decades and has established itself as a reliable and trusted brand in the market. 

Studds Limited is currently the largest helmet manufacturer in India and has a dominant market share in the domestic market. The company has a wide range of products that cater to different segments of the market, including economy, mid-range, and premium helmets. The company has also made significant strides in the international market, with its products being exported to over 40 countries worldwide. Studds Limited has manufacturing facilities in India, Spain, and China, and plans to expand its operations further in the coming years.

Studds Accessories Limited Details as of March 31, 2022

Studds Accessories Outstanding Shares:                                                                      19,676,700
Face Value of Studds Accessories Unlisted Share: Rs. 5 Per Equity Share
ISIN of Studds Accessories Limited Unlisted Share: INE00Q601028
Lot Size of Studds Accessories Limited Unlisted Share: 50 Shares
Studds Accessories Share Price: Best in Industry
PAN Number of Studds Accessories Limited: AACCS4217Q

Incorporation Details of Studds Accessories Limited

Studds Accessories Limited CIN Number


Studds Accessories Limited Registration Date


Category / Sub-Category of Studds Accessories

Company limited by Shares

Studds Accessories Registered Office Address

23/7 Mathura Road, Ballabgarh, Faridabad, Haryana – 121004

Studds Accessories Company Registrar & Transfer Agent Address and Contact Details

Link InTime India Private Limited C 101, 247 Park, 1st Floor L.B.S. Marg, Vikhroli West, Mumbai – 400083

Studds Accessories Limited Principal Business Activities 

Name and Description of main products/services NIC Code of the product/services % to the total turnover of the Company
Manufacturing and sale of helmets and two wheeler accessories 45300 100%

Studds Accessories Limited Board of Directors 

Mr. Madhu Bhushan Khurana, Chairman & Managing Director

Mr. Sidhartha Bhushan Khurana, Managing Director

Mr. Shanker Dev Choudhry, Independent Director

Ms. Pallavi Saluja, Woman Independent Director

Mr. Pankaj Duhan, Independent Director

Studds Accessories Limited Particulars of Subsidiary and Associate Companies 

S. No. Name of the Company Holding/ Subsidiary/ Associate/ Joint Venture % of Shares held
1. Smk Europe Unipessoal Ltd Subsidiary 100%

Studds Accessories Limited Shareholding Pattern (As of 31-03-2022)

S. No. Shareholders’ Name Number of shares % of total Shares of the company
1. Promoter Group 1,37,07,360 69.66%
2. Public Shareholding 59,69,340 30.34%
  Total 1,96,76,700 100.00%

Industry Outlook of Studds Accessories

The two-wheeler market in India is expected to grow at a steady pace in the coming years, driven by rising disposable incomes and increased urbanization. This growth is expected to translate into higher demand for two-wheeler accessories, including helmets.

The global motorcycle helmet market size was valued at $2.5 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.7% from 2021 to 2028. The demand for motorcycle helmets is expected to increase due to the rise in the number of motorcycle riders and government regulations mandating the use of helmets.

In India, the two-wheeler helmet market was valued at Rs 2,317 crore in 2020 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 14.5% from 2021 to 2026. The market growth is driven by the increasing awareness about road safety and government regulations mandating the use of helmets.

Studds Accessoriess Limited Balance Sheet (In Rs. Crores)


Particulars As at 31 March 2023 As at 31 March 2022
Non-Current Assets    
 Property Plant & Equipment                               307.28                              304.80
 Capital Work in Process ( Tangible)                                 10.21                                10.24
 Right of use Assets                                   0.94                                  2.24
 Intangible Assets                                   3.26                                  2.73
Intangible Assets under development                                  1.59                                  2.54
 Financial Assets                                        –                                         –  
 (i)    Non-Current Investments                                   0.00                                  0.00
 (ii) Other Financial Assets                                 29.64                                  4.27
 Total Non-Current Assets                               352.93                              326.81
 Current Assets                                        –                                         –  
 Inventories                                 35.01                                42.43
 Financial Assets                                        –                                         –  
 Trade Receivables                                 31.27                                28.15
 Cash & Cash Equivalents                                 24.87                                19.04
 Other Bank Balances                                   4.84                                20.26
Other Financial Assets                                  0.10                                  0.10
Other Current Assets                                12.05                                18.70
Total Current Assets                              108.14                              128.68
 Total Assets                               461.07                              455.49
 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                        –                                         –  
 Equity                                        –                                         –  
Equity Share Capital                                  9.84                                  9.84
 Other Equity                               328.18                              301.05
 Total Equity                               338.02                              310.89
 Non-Current Liabilities     
 Financial Liabilities     
 Non-Current Borrowings                                 19.93                                29.76
Lease Liabilities                                  0.40                                  0.39
 Other Non-Current Financial Liabilities                                   2.67                                  2.70
 Non-Current Provisions                                   4.10                                  3.13
 Deferred Tax Liability (Net)                                 15.54                                13.39
 Total Non-Current Liabilities                                 42.63                                49.38
 Current Liabilities     
 Financial Liabilities     
 Current Borrowings                                 10.65                                13.92
 Lease Liabilities                                   0.62                                  2.10
 Trade Payables                                        –                                         –  
 Total outstanding dues of MSME                                   2.63                                  3.59
Total outstanding dues of creditors other than MSME                                32.08                                46.42
Other Current Financial Liabilities                                17.80                                16.29
Other Current Liabilities                                12.63                                  9.05
Current Provisions                                  1.77                                  1.75
Current Tax Liabilities (Net)                                  2.26                                  2.10
Total Current Liabilities                                80.42                                95.22
Total Liabilities                              123.05                              144.60
Total Equity and Liabilities                              461.07                              455.49

Studds Accessories Limited Profit & Loss Statement (In Rs. Crores)


Revenue from Operations    
Revenue                              499.17                              462.51
Other Income                                  7.31                                  5.48
Total Income                              506.48                              467.98
Cost of Material Consumed                              258.92                              260.29
(Increase)/decrease in Inventories of Finished Goods and Work-in- Progress                                  2.84                                 -9.25
Employee Benefit Expense                                65.35                                58.23
Finance Cost                                  2.82                                  3.06
Depreciation and Amortisation Expense                                18.10                                16.63
Other Expenses                              112.02                                99.01
Total Expenses                              460.04                              427.97
Profit before Tax                                46.44                                40.02
Tax Expense:    
Current Tax                                10.63                                  8.05
Deferred Tax                                  2.15                                  2.63
Tax relating to earlier periods                   0.52                   0.70
Total Tax Expense                                13.29                                11.38
Profit for the Period                                33.15                                28.64
Other Comprehensive Income    
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss    
Re-measurement gains/(losses) on defined benefit plans                 -0.26                   0.20
Income tax effect                   0.07                                 -0.05
Foreign Currency Translation Reserve                   0.08                                 -0.11
Total other comprehensive income                 -0.11                   0.04
Total Comprehensive Income for the year                33.03                28.68
Earnings per share     
Basic                 16.85                                14.55
Diluted                  16.85                                14.55

Studds Accessoriess Limited’s Cash Flow Statement (In Rs. Crores)


Particulars  31st March 2023  31 March 2022 
A. Cash Flow from Operating Activities    
Profit before Tax                                46.44                                40.02
Adjustments for:    
Depreciation and Amortisation Expense                                18.10                                16.63
Foreign Currency Translation Reserve                                  0.08                                 -0.11
Finance Cost                                  2.82                                  3.06
Rent Income                                 -0.03                                 -0.04
Interest Income                                 -1.89                                 -2.04
Provision for doubtful debts                                       –                                    0.15
Profit on Sale of Investments                                       –                                         –  
Profit on sale of Property, Plant and Equipment                                       –                                         –  
Loss on sale of Property, Plant and Equipment                   0.21                   0.03
Other Income                                 -2.18                                 -2.69
Operating Profit before Working Capital changes                                63.55                                55.02
Working Capital Adjustments:    
Movement in trade & other payables                                 -9.95                              -19.19
Movement in trade & other receivables                              -21.85                                  2.01
Movement in inventories                                  7.42                              -13.44
Cash Generated from Operations                                39.17                                24.40
Direct Taxes Paid and Taxes earlier years                              -10.92                              -12.87
Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities (A)                                28.25                                11.53
B. Cash Flow from Investing Activities    
Purchases of Property, Plant and Equipment (PPE)                              -18.96                              -56.56
Sale proceeds from sale of PPE                   0.33                   0.14
Investment in Fixed Deposits/Maturity                                15.42                                11.78
Rent Received                                  0.03                                  0.04
Investment in Non Current Investments    
Interest Received                                  1.89                                  2.04
Other Income Received                                  2.18                                  2.69
Net Cash Flow from Investing Activities (B)                                  0.89                              -39.88
C. Cash Flow from Financing Activities    
Proceeds/(Repayment) from Non-Current Borrowings (Net)                -13.10                 15.95
Dividend                                 -5.91                                 -7.82
Repayment of Lease Liabilities                                 -1.47                                 -1.86
Interest Paid                                 -2.82                                 -3.06
Net Cash Flow from Financing Activities ( C)                              -23.31                                  3.21
Net increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents (A+B+C)                                  5.83                              -25.14
Cash and Cash Equivalent at the beginning of the year                                19.04                                44.19
Cash and Cash Equivalents as at end                                 24.87                                19.04

Studds Accessoriess Limited Key Financial Ratios

Particulars 31-Mar-23 31-Mar-22
Current Ratio (in times) 1.34 1.35
Debt-Equity Ratio (in times) 0.36 0.47
Return on Equity Ratio (in %) 10.18% 9.55%
Inventory Turnover Ratio (in times) 6.76 7.03
Trade Receivables Turnover Ratio (in times) 4.19 5.27
Trade Payable Turnover Ratio (in times) 6.00 4.69
Net Capital Turnover Ratio (in times) 16.32 12.47
Net Profit Ratio (in %) 6.52% 6.13%
Return on Capital Employed Ratio (in %) 17.70% 16.57%

Annual Report- 2022-23

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